4 Hernia Clinics | Walnut Creek, Concord, Antioch, & Brentwood

Can a Hernia Cause Back Pain? Everything You Need to Know

March 26, 2024

Can a Hernia Cause Back Pain? Everything You Need to Know

When you're wrestling with persistent back pain, it's natural to run through the common suspects: poor posture, muscle strain, or even stress. However, there's one potential culprit that might not immediately come to mind: a hernia. While hernias are typically associated with bulges and discomfort in the abdominal area, the connection between hernias and back pain is not widely understood. Below, we delve into the nuances of how a hernia can indeed be a contributing factor to your back pain. 

Can Hernias Directly Cause Back Pain?

To understand how hernias and back pain might be related, it is essential to start with knowing what each condition is about. A hernia happens when an organ or fat pushes through a weak spot in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. This can occur in several parts of your body but is most common in the abdomen. Back pain, something many of us have felt at one point or another, can come from different causes, such as stress, injury, or other health issues.

You might not immediately think that a hernia could affect your back, but the connection between the two isn't as straightforward as cause and effect. Instead, it's about how your body might respond to a hernia. When you have a hernia, especially if it's uncomfortable or painful, you might start moving differently without even realizing it. You could change how you stand, walk, or sit to make yourself feel better. These changes, while they might seem small, can put extra stress on your back over time, leading to back pain.

A study published in the European Spine Journal noted that individuals with certain types of hernias might adopt compensatory postures that can lead to back pain. This is particularly the case with large or untreated hernias that significantly impact one's posture or gait. The strain from these compensatory movements and postures can place additional stress on the back, potentially leading to discomfort or pain in the lower or upper back, depending on the hernia's location and the specific compensatory changes.

Moreover, the relationship between certain types of hernias, such as hiatal hernias, and back pain is more complex. Hiatal hernias occur when part of the stomach pushes up into the chest cavity through an opening in the diaphragm. While hiatal hernias primarily cause symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), some patients report experiencing discomfort or pain in the upper back or between the shoulder blades, which can be attributed to the anatomical changes and pressures associated with this type of hernia.

It's also worth noting that the direct link between hernias and back pain is not commonly found in medical literature, emphasizing that while back pain can occur in individuals with hernias, it is more likely a secondary effect rather than a direct cause. Health professionals often suggest that if you're experiencing back pain and have a known hernia, the pain may more likely result from other factors, such as muscle strain, spinal issues, or the indirect effects discussed earlier.

Types of Hernias Most Likely to Affect the Back

Among the various types of hernias, those occurring in the abdominal area — particularly hiatal hernias, and in rarer cases, certain large abdominal hernias — are the ones you might find surprisingly connected to back pain. 

Primarily, it's the hiatal hernias that have a more direct connection to back pain, particularly upper back and thoracic spine discomfort. A hiatal hernia occurs when part of your stomach pushes upward through your diaphragm and into your chest cavity. This type of hernia can lead to symptoms that one might not immediately associate with a hernia, such as heartburn, chest pain, and, in some cases, back pain. The back pain is typically a result of the hernia's impact on the diaphragm and surrounding tissues and nerves, which can radiate discomfort to the back.

Inguinal hernias, while predominantly affecting the groin area, can also influence back pain, especially in cases where large, untreated hernias lead to significant changes in posture or gait. Over time, these adjustments can strain the back muscles and spine, resulting in discomfort. However, it's more common for the direct symptoms of inguinal hernias to be localized to the groin and lower abdomen rather than the back.

Femoral hernias, though less common than inguinal hernias, can similarly affect the back indirectly. Due to their location, close to the thigh and lower abdomen, they can cause changes in posture or walking patterns that, over time, may lead to back pain.

The interconnectivity of the body's systems means that while a hernia might appear to be a localized issue, its effects can be far-reaching. Studies and clinical observations have highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosing Hernias and Related Back Pain

To know whether a hernia is the culprit behind your back pain, it is best to consult a professional. They will typically start with a thorough medical history and physical examination. For hernias, this often involves looking for visible bulges in the abdominal or groin areas, especially when you stand, cough, or strain, which can indicate the presence of a hernia. However, diagnosing hernias that may be affecting your back is slightly more intricate, especially for types like hiatal hernias that are not externally visible.

Your doctor might ask detailed questions about your back pain—such as its location, intensity, and any activities or positions that worsen or alleviate it—to distinguish it from pain caused by more common back issues. This differentiation is crucial since the treatment paths for these conditions vary significantly.

If a hernia is suspected based on your symptoms and physical exam, imaging tests can be invaluable for confirmation. An ultrasound is often the first step for inguinal or femoral hernias, offering a non-invasive look at the affected area. For suspected hiatal hernias, which could be contributing to back pain, an upper gastrointestinal (GI) series or endoscopy might be recommended. These tests allow your doctor to see the inside of your stomach and esophagus, confirming whether part of your stomach is protruding through your diaphragm.

In some cases, especially when the diagnosis is unclear, more sophisticated imaging techniques such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or CT (Computed Tomography) scans may be used. These technologies provide detailed images of your body's structures, helping to identify hernias hidden from physical examination and to assess their impact on surrounding tissues, which may be contributing to back pain.

The diagnostic process is also about ruling out other causes of back pain, which is where the expertise of your healthcare provider is paramount. Conditions like degenerative disc disease, sciatica, or kidney problems can mimic the back pain associated with hernias, making a precise diagnosis challenging yet critical for effective treatment.

Treatment Options and Management

Treatment strategies for hernias vary widely, ranging from watchful waiting for minor, asymptomatic cases to surgical intervention for more severe or symptomatic hernias. 

For many, the initial approach to managing a small hernia without significant discomfort may involve monitoring the condition while making lifestyle adjustments. This could include dietary changes to avoid foods that trigger symptoms, especially for hiatal hernias associated with reflux, which can exacerbate back pain. Weight management and quitting smoking are also recommended to reduce hernia-related symptoms and risks. Physical therapy may be advised to strengthen the abdominal wall and alleviate back pain indirectly by improving posture and reducing strain on the back.

When it comes to direct interventions, surgery is often considered the most definitive treatment for hernias that cause significant pain or life disruption. The type of surgery recommended depends on the hernia's location and size, as well as your overall health. For inguinal, femoral, and hiatal hernias, minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic surgery, have become increasingly common. These techniques generally offer quicker recovery times, less postoperative pain, and a lower risk of recurrence compared to open surgery.

Laparoscopic hernia repair involves making small incisions through which surgical tools and a camera are inserted, allowing the surgeon to repair the hernia with mesh reinforcement. Similarly, for hiatal hernias, a procedure known as fundoplication may be performed to tighten the diaphragm and prevent stomach acid from entering the esophagus, thereby reducing symptoms related to both the hernia and associated back pain.

In some cases, especially for those not suited for surgery or seeking alternative treatments, pain management techniques can be crucial. This might include medication to manage symptoms of acid reflux in the case of hiatal hernias or pain relievers for discomfort. However, these are generally considered complementary to other treatment strategies rather than standalone solutions.

If you're experiencing symptoms that suggest a hernia could be impacting your life, not just limited to abdominal issues but extending to persistent back pain, it's time to take action. We at Hernia Innovations are committed to providing comprehensive, state-of-the-art hernia treatment and care. Our team of specialists is dedicated to offering the highest quality services, from diagnosis through to recovery, ensuring that you receive the personalized attention and care that you deserve. 

Don't let a hernia compromise your quality of life any longer. Reach out to us today Hernia Innovations today to learn more about how our services can help you get back to feeling your best.