4 Hernia Clinics | Walnut Creek, Concord, Antioch, & Brentwood
April 14, 2023

Prevent Hernias: Tips from the Experts

Hernias are a common medical condition that affects many people. It occurs when internal tissue pushes through a weak point in the surrounding muscle or tissue and can only be repaired by surgery. In spite of the fact that hernia surgeries are a common solution to repair damaged tissue, preventing an injury is always preferable.

In this blog post, we've gathered tips from experts to help you prevent hernias and stay healthy. You will find these tips helpful whether you are looking for ways to prevent a hernia from forming or managing a previous condition.

Healthy Habits for Hernia Prevention

A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are important for preventing hernia development and recurrence. Here are some aspects to focus on:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Hernias typically occur when you place too much stress on the abdominal wall, leading to the muscle getting injured and weak. This allows the nearby organs to pass through. An overweight abdomen does exactly the same. It weakens and stretches the muscles and tissues in the abdominal wall, making them more vulnerable to hernias. The combination of diet and exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent hernias from forming.
  • Regular Exercise: An important component of preventing hernias is regular exercise. It is easier for a hernia to occur if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and don't exercise, which weakens the muscles and increases the pressure on the abdominal wall. Maintaining a healthy weight, improving muscle strength, and reducing abdominal pressure can all be achieved through regular exercise. 
  • Good posture: Good posture maintains an even distribution of weight among the muscles and joints, which reduces stress on any particular area, while poor posture increases the risk of developing a hernia. While sitting, standing, or performing any physical activity, it is important that you are aware of your posture throughout the day. Try sitting upright with your shoulders back and feet flat. While standing, make sure you keep your weight balanced on both feet.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking weakens the muscles and tissues, making them more susceptible to injury. Additionally, smoking lowers the body's ability to heal from surgery and other injuries, increasing complications. Quitting smoking can help you improve overall health and reduce the risk of developing hernias.

These tips will help you prevent hernias and ensure a healthier lifestyle. If a hernia has unfortunately developed, you can manually reduce the hernia as well to return it to its place.

Protecting the Abdominal Area

Since hernias typically occur in the abdominal region, it is essential to protect them to prevent hernias from developing. Some ways to protect the abdominal area include:

  • Lifting heavy objects correctly: There is a proper technique to lift abdominal muscles to avoid straining. Make sure you follow it to prevent internal injuries. 
  • Avoiding constipation: When you strain during bowel movements, you can put extra pressure on your abdominal muscles and risk developing a hernia. Drink plenty of water and eat a fiber-rich diet to prevent constipation.
  • Avoiding repetitive motions: When you cough or sneeze repetitively, you might put extra pressure on your abdominal muscles and increase your risk of hernia formation.
  • Wearing supportive clothing: By wearing supportive clothing such as trusses or hernia belts, you can relieve pressure on your abdominal muscles and decrease the risk of developing a hernia.

If a hernia occurs, these precautions can reduce your risk of developing it and help the recovery process.

Understanding Hernia Triggers

Prevention of hernias requires understanding the factors that contribute to hernia formation. It is possible to reduce your risk of developing a hernia by understanding these triggers which include:

  • Chronic coughing or constipation: Coughing and constipation for long periods of time can cause abdominal muscles to get stressed and increase the risk of hernia formation. 
  • Obesity: Being overweight and obese can put additional strain on the abdominal muscles, making hernias more likely. This also includes the duration of pregnancy in women.
  • Heavy lifting: When you lift heavy objects, you can put a lot of strain on your abdominal muscles, which increases your risk of developing a hernia.
  • Genetics: Some people may be predisposed to hernias due to genetic factors.

Hernias are usually caused by a combination of these triggers, and it's important to know what your own risk factors are for developing one. Making lifestyle changes and taking preventative measures can reduce the risk of hernia development.

If you suspect that you have developed a hernia, it's important to seek advice from a medical professional to fully understand your situation. You can reach out to Hernia Innovations, where we offer a range of hernia treatment options. Our team is dedicated to helping individuals find the best solution for their specific needs. Contact us today for an appointment by sending us a message or calling us at (925) 940-1020.